Our services cover all aspects of child support:


We can communicate with IRD and the ACSA on your behalf

We know it can be stressful for you trying to deal with issues yourself. We can do this for you, we know what to ask and what information is needed to deal with each issue you have.



If you don’t agree with a decision or an assessment in some circumstances you can object.  An objection must be lodged within a set timeframe so if you receive a decision you disagree with contact us straight away so we can look at your options.

Estimation - Changes in income

If your income reduces you may be able to reduce your assessment.  Care must be taken with estimations or you could end up with debt when your yearly assessment is finalised. 


Administrative Review/Change of Assessment

This is the procedure used to have your formula assessment changed. We will consult with you and can prepare your application.

Arrears and penalties

If you have arrears, first we can help by making sure your account is correct, then assisting to negotiate a payment plan to get you back on track.  In some circumstances penalties can be remitted, we can help you with this.



If you feel you have been treated unfairly, not given enough information, or a decision has been made that is unjust, talk to us about preparing a complaint for you.

In certain circumstances an application for compensation can be appropriate.